ASCS Rocky Mountain Awards Banquet – Nov. 7th

Lonnie Wheatley, TULSA, Okla. (October 21, 2009) – Just over a month ago, Jake Ossenfort became the youngest champion in American Sprint Car Series history by securing the 2009 ASCS Rocky Mountain Region title.

The 17-year-old Rapid City, SD, racer will be honored along with the year’s other top series contenders at the annual ASCS Rocky Mountain Region Awards Banquet on Saturday night, November 7.

The Awards Banquet is scheduled to take place at the Ossenfort Shop at 1645 Concourse Drive in Rapid City, SD, 57701. Happy hour (BYOB) will take place from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., with the 7:00 p.m. dinner to be followed by awards presentation. Other activities, including volleyball, basketball, etc., will follow.

To obtain tickets at just $10 per person, RSVP ASCS Rocky Mountain Region director Jim Starr at or by phone at 303-905-6191 or 303-429-3974.

November 7 will also include the Inaugural ASCS Rocky Mountain Region Go-Kart Race from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at Flags & Wheels at 405 12th Street in Rapid City (605-341-2186). Open to drivers, pit crews and fans, trophies will be awarded to the top three finishing times. There is a $12 charge payable to Flags & Wheels to participate.

The La Quinta Inn and Suites located at 1416 N. Elk Vale Road and I-90 in Rapid City, SD, near the banquet location, has rooms available for $50 per night. Call 605-718-7000 for reservations.

Additional information regarding the American Sprint Car Series is available at